Our fixed fee approach to drink driving, drug possession and other local court matters

Our fixed fee approach to drink driving, drug possession and other local court matters

Our fixed fee approach to drink driving, drug possession and other local court matters

Being charged with a criminal offence can be a very stressful time. There are worries about the effect criminal charges might have on your future, such as what punishment you might receive or what effect a conviction would have at work or for travel. For many people, there is also the financial worry about how much it will cost to have a highly experienced and reliable criminal lawyer represent you.

That’s where Kingston Fox Lawyers comes in. We have a fixed-fee approach for certain local court matters, such as drug possession, drink driving or common assault charges. We believe that offering our clients a fixed fee eliminates some of that undue stress. Why? Because it gives you more certainty, at the beginning of your matter, about how much it will cost you to hire an experienced and reliable criminal defence lawyer.

So, what factors do we consider when offering a fixed fee?

Generally, we will take into account:

  • whether you are pleading guilty or not guilty

  • how many times we think you will have to go to court for your matter

  • how complex or straight forward your matter is

  • if representations need to be made to the police about the charges.

At Kingston Fox Lawyers, our primary focus is on helping you get the best possible result for your matter – it’s not on billable hours or working inefficiently in order to bill you more. When you call us, you know that you are getting an experienced and reliable criminal defence lawyer on the other end of the phone who isn’t going to take you for a ride. 

Let us know how we can help you. Your can book an appointment here or contact us on 0457 781 133.

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